
Variables are used to display pieces of information in the title block. Write the variables in the form {variable-name}. The program replaces the variable name with its value.

User Variables

User variables can be defined:

a) for the entire project (F12 - Project - Variables)

b) for a single page (the User Variables tab in the Page Setup dialog).

variables precedence

If the value of the variable is specified in both cases (for the entire document and for the page), the value for the page takes precedence.

System Variables

Project wide system variables:
name meaning
_path path to the drawing
_file file name of the drawing
Page specific system variables:
name meaning
_po page ordinary number
_pc page count (total number of pages)
_pcs page ordinary number
(multi-page reports: one sheet of paper = one page)
_pcsc page count (total number of pages)
(multi-page reports: one sheet of paper = one page)
_pa page abbreviation (short name)
_potb page ordinary number (just pages with title block)
_sc page scale
_du dimension unit
Some variables are correctly displayed only in print preview and in print.

Difference between the _po and _pcs variables

For example, let's think of a drawing that consists of 3 pages.

The 1st page contains a drawing (1 sheet of paper).
The 2nd page contains the bill of material (5 sheets of paper).
The 3rd page contains a drawing (1 sheet of paper).

Then the individual sheets of paper will have these values of the variables:

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