Export to PDF

Export to PDF format can be started with the menu command Outputs - Export to PDF.

Export has two limitations:

  • Maximum page size is A3.
  • The thickness of the lines must not be 0.
If the links do not work in the exported PDF file, update the program using the "Help - Update" menu command and then perform the export again.

How to export to A0 format

This procedure works with "Foxit PDF Editor Printer" and was last tested in September 2022.

  1. Right click on the page and select Page Settings
  2. On the Print Settings tab, select Printer and press the Settings
  3. button.
  4. Select Foxit PDF Editor Printer. Press the Properties button, select the Layout tab, and select the A0 format here. Confirm with OK all dialogs
  5. On the Page size tab, select by print settings.
  6. Enter File - Print
  7. Select Foxit PDF Editor Printer. Press the Properties button, select the Layout tab, and here select the A0 format.
  8. Press OK to exit the export.
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