ProfiCAD Since Version 8



ProfiCAD 8.5.3

The width of a cable symbol can be changed using the mouse.

resizable cable symbol.



ProfiCAD 8.5.2

minor fixes



ProfiCAD 8.5.1

Move to another layer

The menu command Edit - Move to layer... can be used to move selected objects to another layer.

Helper lines

The menu command View - Show helper lines will show helper lines between symbols and their text labels

helper lines



ProfiCAD 8.4.1

Reports in the project

In addition to pages of drawings the project may also include pages with print reports.

How to insert a report:

In the Pages panel, click on icon no. 8

icons in panel Pages

In the resulting dialog box, you can select the report type.

report types

After confirmation the report is added to the project as a new page.

Reports may have different page formats than the drawing pages. Every report may have a different page orientation as well.

How to set the page format for reports:

F12 – Document – Reports

How to set the page orientation for reports:

In the Pages panel, double click on the page to bring up a dialog box where you can select the Page Orientation tab.



New Symbols - EATON

How to install:

  1. Download the symbols by clicking on the image.
  2. Extract the symbols in the folder where ProfiCAD Library is installed. The path can be determined in program settings (F12) – Paths.
  3. Press F5 to reload the symbols into the symbols panel.
  4. There are great many symbols. Therefore, we recommend to use the symbol search function, when inserting into the drawing.
Eaton symbols



ProfiCAD 8.3.4

Function drawing to scale adds option to specify user defined scale.



Export to AutoCAD

  • Black objects (lines, texts etc.) are exported as "by layer". That means in AutoCAD they are displayed in white color and printed in black color.
  • Export of reference grids has been added.

How to install: use menu command Help - Check for updates.



ProfiCAD 8.3.3

Ability to select all objects on all layers

The menu command Modify – Select all in all layers will select objects on all layers. This function allows to move the entire drawing using the mouse.

Snap Grid

The menu command Display - Snap shows a grid corresponding to the Snap step

snap snap

Ability to add or remove points of a line or a polygon

This function allows adding to or removing points of a line or a polygon.

ubrat bod přidat bod


  • Select line or polygon.
  • Select menu command Draw – Add or delete
  • By clicking on line edge add a point (A)
  • By clicking on line node delete a point (B)
  • Press Esc to return to Selection mode

Smooth modification of Bezier curve control points

úprava řídících bodů beziérovy křivky

If the Ctrl key is pressed when a Bezier control point is moved, the program moves the opposite control point so as to make the curve smooth.




ProfiCAD 8.3.1

Ability to create a copy of the page

ikony panelu Stránky

A copy of the page is created using icon (6). By the use of icon (7), this copy can be inserted into either the same or into another drawing. This feature replaces the former "Page Copy".



ProfiCAD 8.3

Ability to move an object in front of or behind another object.

change objects order

Right-clicking on an object will show commands Move forward, Move more forward, Move more backward and Move backward.

Indication of by how much the object was moved.

stavový řádek

When moving one or more objects, the status bar shows how far the object has been moved.

Ability to center objects in the symbol editor.

Menu command Object - center object will center symbol objects. The purpose of this feature is to correct a poorly drawn symbol.

centering objects

Option to turn off the reference grid display for a particular page.

Right click on the drawing area, select Page settings, select the Other tab and change the option Show reference grid.

Menu Align has new icons for greater clarity.





ProfiCAD 8.2.4

Wire connection sensitivity

The program settings (F12 - System - Connections – Wire connection sensitivity) allows you to set the wire snapping sensitivity (the distance at which the connection will snap to the symbol outlet).

Option to cancel selection by Esc

Optionally, pressing the Esc key may cancel selection of objects. Choose F12 - System - Control - Esc = cancel selection.

Numbering symbol outlets

The program allows you to assign numbers to symbol outlets. The numbers are displayed in the drawing and used in the list of wires.

Right-clicking a symbol in the drawing brings up context menu. Select Outlets. In the dialog window enter the outlet numbers.

značka s čísly vývodů

After you have confirmed the dialog (by the OK button) you can use the mouse to adjust positions of the outlet numbers in the drawing.

Using the context menu item Save outlets and attributes you can save the positions of the outlet numbers and attributes. Newly entered symbols will have the same positions of the outlet numbers and attributes.

You can set color of the outlet numbers through F12 - Document - Fonts.



New Symbols - Connectors

How to install:

  1. Download the symbols by clicking on the image.
  2. Extract the symbols in the folder where ProfiCAD Library is installed. The path can be determined in program settings (F12) – Paths.
  3. Press F5 to reload the symbols into the symbols panel.



ProfiCAD 8.2.2

Improved Properties Panel

The Properties panel makes it possible to change the properties of several objects at once. For example, it is possible to change the line type for several objects.

Cable Drawing

The program enables drawing of cable symbols and creates a list of cables.

Choose Insert - Cable from the menu and use the mouse to cross the connections that create the cable.

In the dialog window that opens enter the name, type, and estimated length of the cable. End drawing of cables by pressing Esc.

Cable Manager (menu Outputs - Cable Manager) allows you to depict all cables in the drawing and to specify their properties. You can change name, type and length of a cable.

Cables List (menu Outputs – Cables List) allows you to print a list of cables. Checking the group option will display the total length of cables by type.

How to change name, type or length of a cable:

  • Right-click the cable symbol and select Properties. A dialog window for changing the cable data will open.
  • Change the values in the Cable Manager table.



ProfiCAD translated to Norwegian

Download this file and save it to the folder "C:\Program Files\ProfiCAD\lang". Then in ProfiCAD press F12, select Others and change the language.



ProfiCAD translated to Norwegian

Download this file and save it to the folder "C:\Program Files\ProfiCAD\lang". Then in ProfiCAD press F12, select Others and change the language.



New symbols for distribution boards (Eaton)

24 new symbols for distribution boards have been added to the library

How to install:

  1. Download the symbols by clicking on the image.
  2. Extract the symbols in the folder where ProfiCAD Library is installed. The path can be determined in program settings (F12) – Paths.
  3. Press F5 to reload the symbols into the symbols panel.
distribution boards symbols



Italian version improved

ProfiCAD è disponibile in italiano già da qualche tempo, ma adesso sono disponibili anche l'help del programma in italiano, il manuale completamente in italiano e la libreria dei simboli i cui nomi sono tutti in italiano. Il sito web della versione italiana è

Come per passare alla versione italiana di ProfiCAD:

  1. Eseguire il backup dei disegni e dei simboli
  2. Disinstallare ProfiCAD, quindi reinstallarla da questa pagina
  3. Se tu hai creato dei simboli con la versione precedente, dovresti aggiungerli alla nuova libreria istallata da ProfiCAD.



ProfiCAD 8.1.5

Fit to window and continuous zoom

The menu command View - Fit to window or this icon fit to window can be used to set up the zoom to view the entire page.

Use the mouse wheel while holding the Ctrl + Shift keys to zoom continuously.



ProfiCAD 8.1.3

Vertical labels

The labels of vertical wires can be displayed vertically. This can be configured in program settings (F12 - Wires numbering - Labels of vertical wires).

vertical labels

Labels of the symbols (reference, type and attributes) can be displayed vertically. The labels can be turned using the menu Object - Rotate, or using these icons: .

Reorganization of the menu

Menu item Check for updates was moved to the menu Help.



ProfiCAD 8.1.1

Rotating and flipping images

The program supports the following ways to rotate images:

otáčení obrázků
  • Using the menu Object - Rotate
  • Using these icons:
  • In panel Properties - item angle (enter tenths of degrees, e.g. 30° enter as 300)
  • By dragging the round handle of the image. The angle is adjusted in steps of 15°. If the Shift key is being pressed, any angle can be adjusted.

Flipping images

Use menu commands Object - Flip. You can also use icons on the toolbar.

Line ends

Line ends

Lines can end in one of the three configurations:

Line ends can be specified in panel Properties.

Example: square line ends have been used in drawing the scale below:


This video shows, how such a scale can be drawn.



ProfiCAD 8.0.3

minor fixes



ProfiCAD 8.0.2

minor fixes



ProfiCAD 8

Auto-connecting of symbols

The program allows connecting a symbol into an existing connection (wire). A symbol placed over a connection is automatically connected into the connection. When the symbol is deleted, the connection is restored.

Auto-connecting of symbols

This feature can be enabled/disabled in F12 - Control - Auto-connect symbol over wire.

When a symbol is moved over a connection, the connection is highlighted. This feature can be enabled/disabled in F12 - Control - and highlight wire

When a symbol does not auto-connect, it may be due to snap. Increase the zoom and move the symbol while holding the Shift key (to suppress the effect of snap).

List of pages

The list of pages makes it possible to:

  1. display a list of pages on a table
  2. fill in the variables of the pages
  3. switch to a particular page
  4. print the list of pages
ikona seznam stránek In the Pages panel, click on this icon to display the list of pages.

By default, the list of pages contains two columns: the name and the short name (code) of each page.

list of pages

Pressing the Columns button brings up a dialogue box, where you can specify which columns the list of pages will contain.

Each row within the table defines one column of the list of pages. The first column contains the description of a variable; the second column contains the name of that variable. The alignment of a column can be adjusted by using the three buttons below the table.

list of pages - columns

How to add a new column to the list of pages:

Click on the "plus" icon. A new row will appear in the table. Enter the description into the first column (e.g. "supplementary title") and the name of the variable into the second column (e.g. "titleSup").

Drawing to scale

Drawing to scale allows you to:

  1. Enter actual units in the Properties panel
  2. Drawing scale appears in the title block
  3. The ruler displays the actual units

Right-click on the drawing, select menu item Page settings and select item Page scale. Select one of the predefined values in the dialogue window that appears. The program shows paper size in actual units.

Choose the scale so that the entire drawing fits on the page. It is not advisable to change the scale after that.

How to enter actual dimensions in the Properties panel.

Enter the dimensions in the format numerical value unit. The unit is one of: mm, cm, m, km. Examples: 6 mm, 12.5 cm, 5.11 m etc.

Drawing scale in the title block

Drawing scale in the title block

To display drawing scale in the title block, use system variable {_sc}. New title block "standard8.ptb" contains drawing scale.

Reorganization of the menu

Some menu items related to the functions of exporting and printing of reports have been moved from the menu File to the new menu Outputs. The menu items are:

  • Send
  • Export
  • Export to DXF
  • Bill of material
  • Netlist
  • List of wires
  • Batch print symbol
  • Batch print drawings

Page orientation

The program allows you to combine pages with different orientation within the same document.

  • How to set the main orientation (for the majority of pages): F12 - Document - Dimensions, click "Settings"
  • How to set the page orientation for a specific page: Right-click on the drawing, from the menu select Page Setup and select Page orientation.
page orientation

Page title block

The program allows you to combine pages with a different title block within the same document.

  • How to set the main title block (for the majority of pages): F12 - Document - title block.
  • How to set up a title block to a specific page: Right-click on the drawing, from the menu select Page Setup and select item Title block.

How to install

If you already have ProfiCAD, you can download the installer for upgrade. You can install over the existing version 7. This is a paid upgrade.

chat support